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100 Days

See the light

Photo By E. Rachel Thompson

I assure you this is not a political post. Yet with so much scrutiny in the media about the U.S. President’s first 100 days, it would be an understatement to say that I was thrilled not to be the one whose every move was under such immense examination. But what if I were the object of such intense analysis? How would the national and international media rate me? How would that light shine on you and what would be written about your accomplishments, successes, or perhaps shortcomings or failures?

A candidate running for office puts in a tremendous amount of effort to win an election but the work doesn’t stop after the victory. On the contrary, the responsibility and amount of work to do becomes far greater. So it is with us regarding the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of our being. We don’t simply reach our goal and then have the luxury of discontinuing the struggle because we feel in some way the job is complete. Even maintaining these objectives require work on a regular basis.

Consider for one moment if your life were to be lived for the next 100 days under the watchful eye of your fiercest critics. Would that change your behavior and/or your approach in day to day tasks? Between now and August 9th – 100 days from today – take on the challenge of living under this type of scrutiny; as though you were the one being critiqued on the front page of every imaginable news publication.

It is easy for anyone to closely examine the actions of others and express opinions on what they have or have not accomplished. And when those actions are juxtaposed from our own, the thoughts seem to flow easier and harsher. I asked myself if this amount of critical assessment were suddenly thrust upon me, how would it influence my thoughts, actions, and priorities. Being completely honest with myself, there is no way it wouldn’t become a factor in nearly every move I make! Although what ultimately counts is our own “editorial” on how well we did, often we find ourselves striving to do well in the eyes of others including some of our toughest critics!

What would be some “campaign promises” you would achieve? Ironically, several promises which politicians make are suitable for personal goals as well. Many hope to strengthen their economic situation, improve healthcare, and create a better environment where they live. When we think of how this can be accomplished in our own lives, it’s quite similar to the way politics works. We don’t live our lives in a shell; everything we do includes others who may have similar goals which are in direct conflict with yours. The key is coming together and working it out as a community. The more we become self-absorbed in having things go only the way we see them, the more opposition we will get and sometimes from those with whom we have tried to work successfully together.

I’ve decided to keep a journal over the next 100 days and write my own “article: on how well I performed. If it warrants publication, I’ll be happy to face my harshest critics.

Thanks as always to E. Rachel Thompson for the beautiful photograph and I look forward to your comments.

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