Shame Doctor
Heal yourself from the damaging effects of shame
Abuse comes in many forms. It can be emotional, mental, spiritual, physical, or sexual. No one should ever suffer at the hands of an abusive person but many of us do. It can be far more harmful than you think because the most damaging and misunderstood forms of abuse often comes from the hurtful words we tell ourselves.
Meet the Shame Doctor:
John Dunia

As the leading authority on healing from shame, the Shame Doctor understands that when someone damages how you see yourself, it can ruin your life. He wants to help you put an end to self-destructive patterns that arise from shame-based thinking. If you've suffered from any kind of abuse, he wants you to know there’s hope because healing from past trauma is not only possible, it’s the key to becoming the most powerful version of everything you were always meant to be.
In a collaborative effort with several accredited psychologists, John has designed comprehensive strategies that guide people beyond feeling stuck in the past, so they can truly heal.
The Shame Doctor wants to teach you how to turn the most painful moments from the past into your greatest strengths. His eye-opening techniques have been developed to facilitate emotional healing, to help you overcome and feel enriched by every single one of your past battles - so they ALL become huge wins.
His unique consultation methods are now available online. Specialized techniques and online guidance mean you need never leave home to find truthful and sound guidance.
“Shame On Me” is one man’s journey toward self-awareness and the tools John Dunia discovered in gaining an empowered perspective. People often don't realize what it is about their thinking that stops them from enjoying and achieveing more in life. This book is written for them.
Do you know the difference between guilt and shame? The importance of knowing that difference is incredibly powerful because shame conveys the most damaging message shattering one's self-confidence. Overcoming our destructive patterns becomes much easier when we're able to clearly distinguish between guilt and shame. The Shame Quiz will help you gain a better understanding on how shame affects life's experiences. The fact is, it often distorts our ability to grasp vital constructs and manages to slow down or even prohibit the kinds of interactions which would ultimately bring happiness and feelings of self-worth.
The Shame Doctor understands how difficult it is to accurately navigate life's blind spots which keep us struggling and often repeating familiar destructive patterns. That's why I've dedicated my life to helping people glean a new perspective so they can truly enjoy life, and I look forward to assisting you on your journey.
Healing begins to occur when we no longer allow past abuses to control our ability to function on a daily basis. It may help to remind yourself that you will ultimately prevail even should scars remain.
Guilt is an indicator that a poor choice was made. Yet shame makes you believe that you are incapable or unworthy of doing better.
Take the Shame Quiz!
Learning to empower yourself in utilizing past experience as a springboard to your personal strengths, not weakness.
"Shame on Me" is one man's journey toward self-awareness and through the understanding of how shame-based thinking hinders a successful and happy life. People often don't realize exactly what it is about their thinking that stops them from enjoying and achieving more in life... this book was written for them! And mastering the art of self-development and discovering useful techniques allow you to gain a greater understanding of who you are. The workbook takes an extensive look at the shrouded issue of emotional healing. The questions posed in John's books are designed to get to the heart of the matter so you can learn intuitive ways to change the way you think about you.