Raising Confidence to a Whole New Level

“Forget not the smaller lessons for without them, the greater ones would have never been.”
Confidence can have different meanings for different people. In last week’s article, the question was posed about teaching others to gain more for themselves (click here to read that article). While many of the comments elaborated on its importance, there were very few mentioning how to teach it or pass it on to others. However, there was one post which impacted me in a way that I will not soon forget.
Before I reveal its full effect, I must begin with a confession. One of the biggest joys I receive from posting these weekly articles is the positive response not only about their content and substance but the writing style as well. It is a thrill and an honor for my words to evoke and influence positive outcomes in others. Furthermore, one of my reoccurring themes is to look in the mirror and examine what WE can do to change and grow ourselves. So when a reader leaves a comment which triggers that same response in me, it is a serious reminder and kind of a figurative slap in the face, that my own growth should constantly be under examination.
With that said, I want to thank Julie D’Hondt for that proverbial “slap” and discuss its impact. Her first remark explained what confidence meant to her and how she has successfully dealt with it. Later, she added, “One thing that I’ve discovered is that sometimes we tend to forget feeling a certain way once we have the tools and know how to overcome things and gain confidence. Essentially, we can be blinded by it (our own confidence) and how we got there in the first place. It can create a disconnect with others that is growing and maybe haven’t learned yet how to create it for themselves”.
After reading this, I had to pause and reflect. While these words may not have struck you with the same intensity, I found myself peering into the mirror of self-reflection. How many times had I misunderstood or disconnected with someone because the older memories of my first challenges were long forgotten.
At times it is easy to forget how troublesome it really was while striving towards those goals. It’s only natural to want to relish these victories and enjoy the fruits of extraordinary efforts but it’s vital to remember everyone’s struggle – no matter how insignificant it may appear – can seem insurmountable when a person is surrounded by overwhelming circumstances. Time does have a way of easing the agony and our growth can be a “pain pill” of sorts that dulls the memory of how difficult those events truly were.
Although part two was originally intended to be an articulate conclusion on confidence, instead it became another treatise on self-reflection. Once again, another “Irony of Life” transpired right in front of me. Apparently, the Universe needed me to take confidence to a whole new and different level.
Thanks again, Julie and I look forward to your comments.